Why Evolution Is a Lie

Evolution is clearly false as the bible and Quran explain, but lets look at why people still believe it to be true, even if they do think they are monkeys…I mean why are there still monkeys if we evolved?

For me, the way I understand evolution as explained at school, is the passing on of one’s genetic code by two simple things, staying alive and mating. Say for example instead of popping to the local shop to get our daily food/sustenance we had to go to the village square and play a small piano concerto for the local farmer, a Debussy aficionado, only those who could play the piano well enough would get fed and in turn, survive and reproduce. Over time, all the crap piano players with their little fingers would starve to death. Those with the long fingers would be attractive to others as clearly they will live long and make a good mate to raise children with.

After a million years of the Debussy for food programme, all villagers have long fingers so they can play the piano well for their supper and our stubby fingered history is now in the past, with the odd freakish exception born who often starve to death. One day the farmer dies whilst attempting to interfere with a bull at the ripe old age of 1,000,001 leaving the farm to his young son. His son thinks Debussy is elitist and has little knowledge of farming, much to his deceased father’s pleasure when he spent a summers day trying to milk the aforementioned bull. Food becomes scarce in the village so not everyone is going to get fed. Enjoying sports, the farmer’s son decides that to get food from him, each person in the village is to be paired with another and they are to engage in pugilism contest. Whoever wins boxing match gets the food. Whoever doesn’t, starves.

Suddenly the world of long fingered virtuosos is in chaos. Having long fingers is no longer an advantage, if anything, it is a disadvantage. Stub Fingered Pete, the village troglodyte who was disowned at birth and no one loved because of his silly little fingers, is in his element. When fighting, his fingers are better able to take the impact of throwing punches and he wins round after round whilst most others break their overly long fingers at the first punch they throw and fall to the ground sobbing at the memory of their past glory at Debussy recitals.

Life suddenly looks up for Stub Fingered Pete as having all that food, the opposite sex now view someone who was an outcast as a favourable mate. He can provide food and would be good to raise a family with, even if he does have freakishly small fingers. Pete successfully passes on his stub fingered genes to his children and after a million years, all the villagers have stubby fingers, passed on from who is now commemorated with a village statue engraved ‘Pugilist Pete’. History in the village has been written by the evolutionary victor.

Ok, the above is a rather verbose way of explaining evolution, but it has the basic lies that evolutionists tell, staying alive, adapting to be successful at getting food and the passing on of one’s genetic code.

What does this have to do with humans? If we go back to the monkey into man mention, clearly we are not monkeys but why do evolutionists think we are when we are so different. Monkeys are covered in hair, we only have hair on our heads, legs, arms, chests and faces. Monkeys have hands and feet. Humans have hands and feet. Monkeys have 32 teeth, we have 32 teeth. Monkey men have nipples, we have the male nipple. Monkeys have testicles/ovaries, we have testicles/ovaries. Monkeys have eyes, ears and a nose on their head, we have eyes, ears and a nose on our head. Monkeys communicate with vocal and physical gestures, we communicate with vocal and physical gestures. Clearly, we are not remotely the same.

If you compare us to fish, you will see the same differences there as we have with monkeys, we are a vastly different creature. Evolutionists in their lies say that we shared a common ancestor about 8 million years ago when our branch of ape moved away from swinging in trees onto the plains and started using more complex tools such as fire, cooking utensils, building basic shelter to replace the jungle canopies, farming livestock etc. The opposable thumb is a supposed advantage to this and with the development of complex problems and tool use, our brains became larger to handle their use and the communication needed to effectively work together in a society. Becoming bipedal so we can use our hands for tools is also supposed to be an advantage. The remnants of a tail bone, called the ‘coccyx’, at the base of our spine in no way indicates we share a common ancestor with modern monkeys.

Clearly these scientists are wrong on many levels. The Bible and Quran tell us the earth is 6,000 years old so they tripped up there to start with. Not only that, but what is more believable, we came to being over millions and millions of years of slow and gradual changes to adapt to the environment and get food or that God/Allah made us from dust/clay and women from man’s rib? I don’t care if there are overwhelming fossil records of ours and other animals’ changes or that the same science we use for nuclear energy is applied to fossils to show that these fossils are millions of years old. The earth is 6,000 years old and we’re made of clay/dust/rib as was prophesised to the Arabs over a thousand years ago. They talked to god and they knew best as they are a reliable source that has plenty of evidence to support what they say, I mean its not as if anyone can make up a story is it.

We came from Adam and Eve which is why all humans are alike, we all share the same skin colour, eye colour, hair colour and look identical just like Adam and Eve. To suggest there are black, brown and white people would suggest we change/adapt/evolve to our environment and the Bible/Quran are wrong which is the work of ignorant Satanists.

Finally, not only did God/Allah make us from dust/clay/rib, he also made some magic beans* to protect us. I’ve been fortunate to come into possession of a few and I prayed to God/Allah who told me they can stop the Devil/Shaytan from turning you into a monkey. As I say, I only have a few magic beans and I’m keeping one for myself, so please let me know if you would like one to prevent you from becoming a monkey. I’m going to have to use sealed bids on this one so make sure it’s a high figure you send in 🙂

*terms and conditions apply. Magic beans are not magic and can not protect you from anything. There is a no refund policy if you do turn into a monkey

3 thoughts on “Why Evolution Is a Lie

  1. Hi NoToFairies. I’m so sorry I lost track–I spent over 15 hours debating on Twitter last week, so I’m learning not to push the Connect button unless I’m ready and that goes for the Favorites, too: is this THE blog post I favorited last week so I could save it for later, or is this a new one, & I still have to find the other? Perhaps I’m not learning, but evolving into a wiser spender of time and my children will be wiser still–actually, I’m 46, so I won’t be bearing any more offspring, and the wisdom will just have to mature; the world will miss the progression of wise time-spenders I could have produced. In any case…
    < (this is an ichthys, or Christian fish symbol) Having hair (even tho it's nothing like ape hair–ever seen an ape with an afro, or curly blond locks?) or similar arms, legs, and "tail bones" does not make us related to apes, and certainly doesn't prove that we evolved from them, any more than a car and a minivan are similar but not at all related–both were designed but neither evolved from the other. I've read that pig DNA is as close to human as ape is–we're all separated by only several hundred genes, after all.
    <How is Debussy-dude going to survive for a million years, feeding the entire village? Once he's made the babies, then what? Don't they have to survive and grow? How did Deb-dude develop all of the organs and limbs necessary to exist, let alone play the piano and mate with all the people who want to eat? How did his dentition, digestion, circulation, etc, etc "evolve" to be exactly what he needed to stay alive, think, reproduce, etc? Can he really make it a million years? Are you saying Lamarck was right, even tho he was discredited in the last century, and his theory was proven to be no more scientific than Kipling's fables, like "How the Leopard Got His Spots"? Did giraffes really stretch their necks to reach tall tree branches, enabling their offspring to reach even taller branches–so in your clever example, did piano-playing prowess in a parent produce even more proficient performance in a child–in all the progeny of that parent, perhaps?
    <Why do you think Pugilist Pete's genes are going to select only for his stubby fingers, and are you making him responsible for populating the whole village? Aren't others going to refuse to crawl away and starve, but rely on their highly-developed sneak-attack skills to prevent him from getting all the hot & hungry breeders? Aren't his multiple mates going to have some influence? How are the babies he spawns going to be produced–are the magic beans going to enable each woman to sprout all of the necessary body parts to conceive and nourish a fetus while it grows a brain, bones, hormones, skin, eyes, organs, etc, in its own amniotic sac, prepare her breasts, birth canal and all of the processes involved?
    <Black, brown and white people do not exist because of adaptation to environment–do you really believe that some Africans evolved black/very dark brown skin to keep them from getting sunburned? Why didn't they just evolve sunscreen? If I get sunburned enough, will my skin become black or brown? No, because I have a genetically-determined amount of melanin in the skin tone that I inherited from my Caucasian ancestors, which will emerge as freckles or red crispiness if I'm not careful, and my kids certainly didn't inherit more sunproofness, even tho they were all born after the terrible burn I inflicted upon myself when I was 17. God designed DNA, so he designed characteristics that could develop from males and females, whom he conveniently designed to be perfectly compatible for mating together (unfortunately, if any step in the male or female reproductive system is not perfect, no reproduction will occur for that individual, no matter how many partners try or how much time elapses, or how wonderful their genes would be for the environment). God forced the people groups to separate during the Tower of Babel incident in Genesis 11, and the separated populations developed distinct features due to the gene pools God allowed to develop within their geographical areas, and new combinations have been made as individuals have mated inside or outside of their original families since then.

    In short, God is the Creator of the universe, who says He made Adam from the dust He created and Eve from his side, around 6,000 years ago according to the biblical timeline He provided for our instruction. The fossils show complete systems in species after species, not transitional forms, and none of them come with tags identifying their ages–these must be assigned by the people studying them, and are open to interpretation, since nobody was there to witness their formation–most were likely formed during the massive upheavals around the whole earth at the time of Noah's Flood. Creationists recognize the obvious changes that take place from one generation to another, but attribute them to the genetic diversity God programmed, rather than "environmental factors"/Lamarckian fairy tales/millions of years. The Theory of Evolution is wrong, no matter how sarcastically or ardently its defenders insist that a lot of tiny changes and a lot of death explain life.

    Thanks for sharing your space. "May you be BLESSED by the LORD, the maker of heaven and earth!" Psalm 115:15

    • Thank you for your reply. Quite a few questions you have there which I will endeavour to answer. I am only a layman with a passion for knowledge so some of my answers may not be 100% accurate, but they will be as closely linked to evolution as possible.

      Aside from albinos, brown skinned Asian people and black people without fail have black hair. Please understand, I am in no way comparing them to monkeys as a racist term, but for the purposes of their hair, it is the same throughout.

      You mention a car and minivan aren’t similar, well, without the car you wouldn’t have the minivan. Say the car (ford model T) was our common ancestor and off that you have two branches, the campervan (call that humans) and the pick up truck (call that monkeys). They are all evolutionary products from the original car. You are correct, both were designed by a team of designers and invention on top of invention. 150 years ago you could of met these designers, taken photos of them, touched their flesh and have a drink with them. They were designers we have evidence of as the photos of them that exist go to show.

      You are correct, we are genetically similar to pigs. We’re also share 50% of our genetic make up  with bananas! Our similarity to chimpanzees is much higher though, it is something like 99.4% genetic match. This would indicate we had a common ancestor not too long ago (8 million years) as opposed to the banana and we are very similar to chimpanzees. We live in social groups with a hierarchy, we eat, drink, sleep and shit. We form bonds with mates and take care of each other. Chimpanzees can also learn human sign language to communicate. Admittedly we don’t throw our poop, but there is where the .06% comes in…well, for some people anyway!

      I understand your concern about how such a complex system such as the human body came into being. We do not know 100% how it happened, but it did happen in very small steps over vast amount of time. I appreciate you are opposed to evolution on religious grounds, but this is the same science that you use every day from driving a car to getting a tetanus shot at the doctors. If you think evolution is false, I would suggest you stop using anything that has been created from scientific discovery, or put simply, live in a cave and hunt deer for food! To answer one part, have a read of this on the evolution of the eye


      It really can be broken down into stages as to how it evolved and it is easily recreatable. If you study photography at college, one of the first things you do is make a camera out of a cardboard box, it is that simple to replicate.

      As for black skin, yes, it is a evolutionary sun cream. Read here


      Put me in the desert and my hairy ass European body will be sweating profusely and I’ll have more difficulty coping with that environment. Alternately, when I lived with black friends, they always wanted the heating on full blast during autumn because they couldn’t take the cold as well as I could. We were both evolved/changed to suit our environment and it wasn’t a quick process.

      Understand though, this does not happen all at once. Stick me in Africa without sun cream and I will soon die of skin cancer. Stick a group of white people in Africa and those with a genetic advantage/mutation that protects them from skin cancer will survive, pass on their genes to their children and the sun protecting mutation will be favoured. It will improve in the group and get stronger over time.

      I’m not sure if your familiar with mutations. I did touch on it in my blog, one of the main differences between us and monkeys is the opposable thumb. This means we can grasp tools much better than they can, essentially they have fingers that can close and open but not move around like our thumb. This would of been a genetic mutation from around the time of our last common ancestor. Someone would of been born with a twisty thumb like we have and been able to wield a stick better to kill off rivals or hunt with. This one freak mutation (like babies born with 6 fingers etc) helped in staying alive so was favoured by evolution as the twisty thumb is immensely useful. Spend the day not using your thumb and see how much you can do without problem, that is what amongst other things really differentiates us from monkeys.

      The point of the mutation is that this is how populations change. Not you get sunburnt so magically your body adapts or you pass it onto your children. You get sunburnt but another human has a different DNA (like the twisty thumb example above) and survives better, passes on that genetic mutation.

      I notice you mention what god said at the end of your response. If you look at the first few pages of your bible, I imagine it will have the name of the edition, when it was published and possibly the original publishing date much like Charles Darwin’s ‘Origin of the Species’. The difference between these two books is the one written by Charles Darwin has not been altered since he first sent it off to be published whereas the bible however is a collection of stories written long after Jesus’ death by many different people and often passed down by Chinese whispers/word of mouth. From that point on it has been amended again and again by various people through the ages. Feel free to google your bible version and see how it was compiled, nowhere will it mention ‘god did it’, it will all be human mentions.

      The other main difference is that the Bible has no evidence to support its accuracy e.g. Talking snakes, Adam made of dust and Eve made of rib, 1000 year old Noah, water into wine etc. As I mention in the blog, if humans do not evolve/adapt to their environment then everyone should be the same colour as Adam and Eve. You accept people change, but you say god changed people which is not mentioned in the bible. However, if you read ‘Origin of the Species’ you can see how animals adapt to their environment and best of all, the natural world has a plethora of evidence to support this. It is out there and you can observe and see it for yourself. No one is telling you you have to worship science or you’ll burn in hell, it is simply there for you and whether you like it or not, it has a lot of answers that are true whether you like it or not.

      You mention the lack of transitional fossils not being complete enough. I’m not sure what you want, a fossil for every little change that has happened? As it is we have quite a well filled out picture of fossils. Have you heard about Lucy?


      An example of a hominid walking upright with similar features to chimpanzees but not quite as well, as we do. Where is this creature now? Extinct because it is an early ancestor with a small adaptation to walking upright which was improved upon over millions of years and thousands of generations. Do you know 99% of creatures to ever of existed are extinct? Does that sound like someone designed it all or survival of the fittest with species changing over time?

      If you were to remove your biblical programming, you would accept the science of this as you do of your fridge, car, nuclear energy, medicine and pretty much anything you use in modern day life. It is all based on the same reasoning and if you think evolution is false, then i wouldn’t risk using a car, turning on the electrics or boiler in your house or seeing a doctor because science as a discipline is clearly wrong in your view.

      If you want to believe the bible is accurate, that is also fine, but don’t expect people to take it seriously as it was written by humans when the earth was considered flat people lived to 1,000 like Noah…interesting point there, life expectancy is only rising now with modern medical science and dietary improvement, curious that Noah’s was 10 times the current average and not 15-30 as it was back then if you were lucky enough to make it through child birth.

      Another interesting point is the story of Noah. God creates man wrong and being omnipotent/omnipresent he knows that they will be created wrong. He then decides to commit genocide to correct the mistake he always knew would happen. It really does make no sense, or at best, make god look like an arse.

      Anyway, thanks again for your response and taking time to read. Science does not threaten you with an eternal hell, it presents theories based on evidence from the natural world. Accept it if you want but it doesn’t make it any less true.

      Please feel free to ask any questions, or, as I imagine you will, criticise evolution 🙂

  2. Pingback: Life Is About Evolution | Earthpages.org

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